Tui Na Acupressure Bodywork Therapy
Tui Na (Twee-Naw) brings the 8 principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine into balance. The practitioner may brush, knead, roll, press, rub the areas between each of the joints to open the body's defensive chi & get the energy moving in the meridians and muscles. Techniques may be gentle or quite firm. Tui means "push" and Na means"to lift and squeeze." These techniques aid in the treatment of both acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions, as well as many non-musculoskeletal conditions. This service is available only in-person
Treatment rate: 60 minutes: $80 ~ 90 minutes $120 |
Zentastic Wellness - available through
Equilibrium Therapeutic Massage, 509 Norwich Rd, Plainfield, CT 06374
On-site calls in eastern CT, RI, & southern MA also available
For appointments:
Call / text: 860-823-8511
Email: [email protected]
Online booking:
Equilibrium Therapeutic Massage, 509 Norwich Rd, Plainfield, CT 06374
On-site calls in eastern CT, RI, & southern MA also available
For appointments:
Call / text: 860-823-8511
Email: [email protected]
Online booking: